Get started

This page will give you everything you need to get started with developing your app with this boilerplate.

Firstly, all the code is fully open-source and freely available on GitHub here. In case you find any issues or have any suggestions, feel free to open an issue there.

Step 1: clone the repository

In order to start, you need to clone the repository to have it locally.


Step 2: install all the packages

In order to be able to run the project locally, you need to install all the packages.


Step 3: run the project locally!

Now, after the two steps above, you should be able to run the demo project locally.


Step 4: Define what you want to build

The next steps will be highly project-specific. These are the features that you may want to look into:

  • - Authentication
  • - Database
  • - Payments
  • - Analytics
  • - Blog

You can find example pages for each of these features in the `/routes` directory.